Leave a Little Sparkle Wherever You Go!


This is a caption I saw a few years ago and not only did I love it because of my name (Sparks / sparkle!), it has now become my mantra and I try to apply to all that I do.

When dealing with clients, staff, or colleagues, always try to listen, understand, exceed their expectations, and give them a reason to want to work with you. And it actually goes deeper than this … smile, encourage, motivate, inspire, and uplift those who are around you. Make them feel special, welcome, heard, and valid.

It’s easy to rush through and only do what needs to be done, the bare minimum so to speak. By giving time, priority, and understanding to the people in your life, you will help put them at ease and make them feel comfortable and keen to interact and share with you. Go the extra mile, put in extra effort, and make someone’s day.

It’s not hard to make people feel special but it does take thought and time. Be the person that you would like to be your manager or supervisor, salesperson, mentor, or friend. If you enjoy what you do and love to share your passion, people will embrace and appreciate what you have to offer. Service with a smile, recommendations, and care can create loyal
customers who will also become your advocates.

So next time you are interacting with people, remember to ‘leave a little sparkle wherever you go’ and make a real difference. People will love you for it.

