
PASSION knap-passion-300x300As I talked about in my first book, passion is one of my favourite words and resonates in all of the things that I do.

To be passionate about what we do is vital not only to our success but to our wellbeing, our state of mind, our health, and our happiness. To get up each morning with a spring in our step, ready to take on the day, our work, and all it has to offer is a blessing. There is nothing worse than feeling miserable, unhappy with our circumstances, or to have that feeling that we are ‘dragging our feet’ because we don’t enjoy what we do.

To love what we do is exciting, vibrant, encouraging, and enriching. To be happy, smiling, and passionate is infectious and will affect all transactions, interactions with others, and everything we do in a positive way. People will be drawn to you and what you are offering; that whole ‘I’ll have some of what she’s having’ response. Passion uplifts us, makes us thrive, and affects every part of our life. Who doesn’t want to live a life of passion, where we love what we do, enjoy every day, and share that amongst our colleagues, coworkers, clients, family, and friends.

Sometimes, people can struggle with finding their true passion. It may elude them briefly (which of course is fine, no one can be upbeat 100% of the time!) or it may be something they don’t know how to find at all. Passion is something that comes from within so it is not something that can be forced but there are ways to help try and find something to be passionate about.

Think of the things that you are good at and your strengths. Often these can be things you are passionate about and may not actually realise but perhaps that’s why these things come or feel more natural to you. It may be a cause you strongly believe in or an area in which you feel you can fulfil a need. Work out what you love or feel strongly about and then apply that to
your work or business. You may decide to volunteer for an organisation where you feel you can offer your services or put your name down to do further study, to develop skills, or pursue a path of interest.

Whatever makes your heart sing or your spirits soar, those are your passions, and working in avenues you feel passionate about will be rewarding, satisfying, and uplifting. Find your passion and you will never truly work a day in your life!

