Take Time to Relax

Qualia 2 SpaI’m writing this blog whilst lying on a king size day-bed on the deck of our Windward Pavilion at Qualia on Hamilton Island, so thought I should focus on an appropriate topic that fits the situation. Now I’ve got you drooling, the reason I mentioned is that I’m here to relax, chill out and do nothing for a few days, before jumping head first into a two to three month crazy schedule.

A couple of months ago, I could see that I was heading for a crazy few months, and being the person that I am was feeling excited, motivated and pumped at the prospect. I also recognised that even though I was focused and waiting in anticipation, it was time to look at some time out and the chance to totally wind down and chill out before charging in at a hundred miles an hour.

With both of my boys away at school camp, it seemed the perfect opportunity to treat myself to a luxurious few days of heaven, and to tick off one of my ‘bucket list’ destinations at the same time. So a short retreat to Qualia was booked and right now I am feeling on top of the world, but also rested, relaxed, calm and lucky!

It is so important to recognise the need to relax and take time out from the world every now and again. Not only is it the chance to wind down, rejuvenate and ‘chillax’, it also gives you the opportunity to plan, re-focus, read and take time to focus on things you don’t often have time to do. It can give you the opportunity to meditate, experience yoga and treat yourself to mind calming and body grounding activities; time to re-connect with your partner or loved ones and time to have fun.Qualia 7 Breakfast

Your time out does not have to be a few days away at a luxury resort as that’s often not possible for a number of reasons, so it may be an afternoon off to take a massage, read a book or cook a gourmet meal. Many people finding cooking, baking or other activities very therapeutic. It may be a long lunch planned with a group of friends. It may be an afternoon walk through the park, watching a movie at the cinema or a trip to the beautician. It could simply be half an hour of peace whilst sipping on a cup of coffee or a turmeric latte, whatever floats your boat really.

Whatever ways you love to relax or whatever makes you feel good about yourself or you enjoy doing to take time out to smell the roses, then do it. And do it often. Schedule blocks of time in your diary to just do nothing, or to do things that make you smile.

BooksPlan ahead and book in this sacred time, weekly, fortnightly or monthly – whatever works for you – and make sure that you stick to your plan. Don’t put off because you ‘don’t have time’; don’t delay because you have too much on your plate. They’ll never be a right time or the perfect time, so just do it!

Taking time out for ourselves is vital to your well-being. It also makes you a better person, happier and more revitalised. It will make you feel in a better head space and be able to give more to others, to inject life into areas of need, put more effort into your work. The more we look after ourselves, the better people we become – mentally, physically and spiritually – which also enables us to give more to the people who surround us.

Time to get out those diaries or planners and schedule YOUR time. What are you going to do for you, to take time out and relax? Don’t just think about it – DO IT!

Healthy and Wealthy
